Conscious Business Magazine, Including: Paul Polman, Deepak Chopra, Erin Lazlo, Rinaldo Brutoco, Michele Hunt, and more

First, please know that I am praying that all of you and your love ones are healthy, safe and sound. For anyone who has contracted this insidious virus or whose love ones are suffering, I am praying for a full and rapid recovery.

The time I have spent in quarantine has been frustrating, challenging and even scary at times; it has also been a gift. It has forced me to slow down and inspired me to learn and reflect on the world we have inherited and perpetuated. I believe it is also giving all of us the time, space and compelling reasons to envision a new and better world. Then maybe, together, we will find the will and the courage to redesign and reboot our society.

I am thrilled to share with you the inaugural issue of the Conscious Business Magazine, a new addition to the Light on Light family of publications. Conscious Business Magazine is dedicated to advancing the global movement of transforming business for a flourishing world. 

I feel honored to have an article in this inspiring and provocative magazine, and I am honored to be in the company of some renowned thought leaders including: Paul Polman, Erin Lazlo, Deepak Chopra, Rinaldo Brutoco, Lisette Cooper and Richard Barrett, Michele Hunt and more. 

The contributors to this inspiring and provocative publication, approach Conscious Business from a whole systems perspective. They ask the reader to think about how the role business can contribute to well-being at a global level. They explore what wellbeing at a global level means, at the deeply personal, the family and community levels, and the implications for our socioeconomic and political systems, and our planet. They boldly put forth a highly evolved business model for the 21st century; they believe that business for the greater good is the future we all deserve. 

Here is the link to the new Conscious Business Magazine, and a direct link to my article, The Vision:What Business Can Be, which appears on page 20:

With Deep Appreciation,

Author of DreamMakers: Innovating for the Greater Good
Earth's Call Fund, Board of Directors
Magnolia Moonshot 2030 Advisory Board


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