In light of the times we are living, I feel compelled to share the the trailer to the film DreamMakers with you. The film was released in 2005. It was produced by Banco Popular, co-directed by filmmakers Paloma Suau and Susan Koch, a nine time Emmy award winner. It is inspired by my book, DreamMakers: Putting Vision & Values To Work . The film’s central message is about every person’s inherent ability to make dreams happen in their life and the lives of others. While produced by Banco Popular, it is not meant to represent any single philosophical perspective or organizational bias. Instead, like any work of art, its message will be interpreted uniquely by each person. This is a film about hope, resilience and courage. It is meant to inspire people and communities to make their hopes and dreams happen. Now more than ever we all need to find the DreamMaker within us, to co-create a world where all people and the planet can flour...
Showing posts from May, 2017