Our Time to Blossom and Flourish! A Tribute to the Millions of Women and Girls Around the World Who Marched on January 21, 2017
I originally shared some of these thoughts in the Huffington Post on March 6, 2015, in honor of Women’s History Month. Moved by the historic, prolific, powerful and beautiful Women and Girls Marches around the world last Saturday, in protest of the US President Donald Trump’s values, decisions and actions toward females, I feel compelled to post this new version to celebrate these women and girls courage and conviction.
I believe we are finally declaring and claiming our rightful place in the world. The genie is out of the bottle and no person, institution or nation has the power to imprison our spirit, our unique gifts or our powerful love, ever again! Thank you, women, and girls around the world for giving me hope and fueling my commitment to help liberate the spirit of women and girls everywhere - This is for you:
“…and then the day came
when the risk to remain tight in the bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”.
-Anais Nin
We have waited long enough to tell our stories, and oh what precious stories we have to share. Yet we have kept them safely and selfishly from the world. We have tucked them away in our bosoms, whispered them to our daughters, and laughed and cried as we secretly shared them with our beloved sisters and girlfriends. Some of us have been courageous enough to share our stories with our sons, and the men who have been sensitive enough to listen; others have fearlessly shouted them out and suffered the consequences - But that time is done!
No religion, philosophy, belief system, nationalism or fraternalism is stronger than the experience of being a woman. Creating and nurturing life is the Goddess manifested – proof of all the questions anyone could ever have about the authenticity of the divine.
How then can we as women send our children to die in any war, especially wars that in our heart we know make no sense? Our innocent children’s lives and legacies should not be defined by our fragile ego’s, outdated beliefs, our pressure to conform or our past transgressions.
How do we let our daughters believe they are inferior, weak, or “not enough” – why allow this for any reason? How can we ever again collude with societal beliefs, norms and practices that abuse, oppress, restrict or undervalue our essence?
The stories, or more accurately, the lack of stories about women in the history of humankind, leaves a gapping whole in our hearts and in our spirit. The narrative about women, historically and today, has been either absent or villainous. Unveiling our stories will not just be liberating for girls and women, it will be a gift to everyone; it will bring the world into balance.
If we ever hope to ever see a flourishing world we need the feminine and the masculine energy to work in harmony, synergistically and side-by-side to birth and nurture this vision. However, the feminine energy has been suppressed for thousands of years, so it is critically important to shine a luminous light on this divine gift. We all need to explore and understand the loving, healing and powerful attributes women and girls have to contribute to our world.
We, the females of the world, empowered with our radiant feminine energy, have the opportunity and the platform to come out of the shadows and proudly reveal our divine powers. It is time to abolish the false barriers between us and work as sisters for the greater good. The world needs us; our children and our children’s children need us; the planet needs us. It is not only our right to be seen, to be heard, to tell our stories, it is our urgent responsibility. We are powerful beyond measure and we have a once in a civilization opportunity to save the world. The only question that remains is – Do we have the will? Judging from what I witnessed last Saturday, I know this is our calling.
Thank you, women, and girls, you are a gift to the human spirit!
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