OUT OF THE CLOSET ON DOMESTIC ABUSE: Why I Stayed, Why I Left and Why I Choose Now, To Tell My Story.
“There is no greater agony than bearing an
untold story inside of you”
I kept my abuse a secret for over 20 years; the Ray Rice
story moved me to speak my truth.
When I was 26 years old, my ex-husband and I were driving
through Greektown, a thriving restaurant and entertainment area in downtown
Detroit. It was bustling with people on that warm summer night. We got into an
argument, about what I can’t remember. What I do remember is that one moment we
were arguing and the next I was bouncing off of parked cars on Greektown’s main
street. My 6’7” husband had leaned over, opened my door and literally kicked me
out of our moving van and sped off.
Surprisingly, my first response was not to check to see if I
was hurt, it was to look around to see if there were witnesses. It was not
because I wanted witnesses to the abuse; it was because I was ashamed.
Monroe Street was one block from Detroit’s Recorders Court
(now the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice). It was a meeting place for probation
officers, judges and attorneys. I was one of the first two women to supervise
adult male felons on probation in Detroit. I was known as this courageous,
intelligent, trailblazer so my first thought was, What would this do to my reputation?
Next I remember thinking, Who can I call? I was injured however I was afraid to call my
family or friends. I come from a very close family and I feared that if I told
my brothers they would end up spending their life in prison. I was too ashamed
to tell my friends who held an image of me that I did not want shattered. I
felt very alone. I felt very responsible. I chose to marry this man so I felt
it was my responsibility to bear the consequences.
I limped to the hospital that fortunately was two blocks
away. When I got to the front door of Detroit Receiving Hospital I was too
ashamed to go in; they knew me at this hospital. I had visited many of my
probationers who had been treated there.
I decided to walk home, a seven-block trek at 11:00 on a Friday night.
I spent the rest of the night wondering if what had happened
was my fault and thinking about why I married this man. You see, I had no
reference point for domestic violence. My father treated my mother like the
lady she is. My brothers always courageously and publically defended any
woman they witnessed being physically or emotionally abused.
Why I Stayed: I
was afraid! I was ashamed; most of all I felt alone - I was afraid of being
judged. How could Michele Hunt marry an
abusive man? What would this do to my career? What would my family think of me?
Why I Left: I
realized that staying was not an option; I knew I had to escape! Like a
prisoner of war, I devised a strategic plan that took five months to execute.
During that time I was quiet, kind yet distant. Like a cat, I waited for the
right moment. When that moment came I pounced. The day he knew that he had no choice but to leave quietly,
I was free at last – or at least that’s what I thought.
Why I Kept My Silence?
I kept my secret from everyone for over 20 years because I was afraid of being
judged. My successful career helped me to rationalize and “justify” my silence.
I was promoted from probation officer to Director of the Detroit Women’s
Correctional Facility. I then served as the first female deputy warden over
programs for rehabilitation in an adult male prison in the Michigan Department
of Corrections. I went on to
become the first female vice president in a prestigious, global Fortune 500
company where I served as Corporate Vice President For People. Next, I served
on President Bill Clinton’s Transition Team and then President Clinton
appointed me to serve in his Administration as the Director of the Federal
Quality Institute in the Reinventing Government initiative.
Since 1996 I have lived a highly visible life as an author,
public speaker, entrepreneur and strategic advisor to leaders of Fortune 500
companies, organizations and communities around the world. Through all of this
I protected my secret like a lioness protects her cubs.
Why I Came Out of the
Closet. I told my family first. I could not take another moment of hearing
them tell “funny” stories about my ex-husband. My response had always been to
leave the room when they revisited the “good
old days” that included him. They naturally thought I was being overly
sensitive. One day it just came out; it wasn’t planned, I just erupted. I told
them everything. They loved me and supported me. Their only question was, “Why didn’t you tell us sooner”. I
shared my secret with my daughter Nicole when she was 13 years old. She
encouraged me to go public with my story.
It was 1999
when I was on stage giving a speech on DreamMakers:
Putting Vision & Values To Work that I went public. I shared the mantra that my father made us say, seven times every morning,
before we set off to school. We had to stand in the mirror with him standing
behind us and repeat seven times: “I am
healthy, happy, beautiful, intelligent, loving, loved and I am wise”. At the end of my speech this women raised
her hand and thanked me for sharing the mantra. She went on to tell her story
of domestic abuse to 2,000 people in the audience. She then told me that my
father’s mantra might help to fortify her children from experiencing her
My daughter’s encouragement and that beautiful women’s
courage, gave me the strength to speak my truth. That was my real V Day, the day my spirit was truly
“… and then the day came when the risk to
remain tight in the bud
more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
It is for my daughter Nicole and women, girls and boys
around the world, that I have chosen to use the most powerful form of
communications on earth, to publically
come out of my closet. I want anyone and everyone who is enduring abuse of any
kind to please know - you are not alone!
May we all find the courage to share our stories. Our
transparency, our voice, will help to liberate those who are caught in the
insidious cycle of violence and abuse.
“Each Time a women stands up for herself,
without knowing it,
possibly without claiming it, she stands
up for all women”
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