
Showing posts from September, 2014

And The Good News Is...: Third Global Forum on Business as an Agent of Worl...

And The Good News Is...: Third Global Forum on Business as an Agent of Worl... : In the midst of all the chaos and conflicts that dominates the media and may cloud our vision of a better world, there is something remark...

And The Good News Is...: Third Global Forum on Business as an Agent of Worl...

And The Good News Is...: Third Global Forum on Business as an Agent of Worl... : In the midst of all the chaos and conflicts that dominates the media and may cloud our vision of a better world, there is something remark...

Third Global Forum on Business as an Agent of World Benefit

In the midst of all the chaos and conflicts that dominates the media and may cloud our vision of a better world, there is something remarkable happening. There is a powerful global movement gaining momentum that has the potential to ignite hope. Contrary to those CEO’s who believe that the single aim of business is to make money, there are a growing number of visionary business leaders and academic scholars who believe that business can be one of the most powerful forces for good in the world. Business as an Agent of World Benefit is a movement that is working to create “… a world where companies prosper, people excel and nature thrives” . These leaders have discovered that that the antiquated mindset of profit verses people and the planet is flawed and not sustainable. They are proving that businesses can flourish and prosper by innovating to solve the greatest problems facing our society. Peter Drucker, an early advocate of this movement believed:  "... Every social and g...

And The Good News Is...: OUT OF THE CLOSET ON DOMESTIC ABUSE: Why I Stayed,...

And The Good News Is...: OUT OF THE CLOSET ON DOMESTIC ABUSE: Why I Stayed,... :             “ There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you”                                       ...

OUT OF THE CLOSET ON DOMESTIC ABUSE: Why I Stayed, Why I Left and Why I Choose Now, To Tell My Story.

            “ There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you”                                                                                                             Maya Angelou       I kept my abuse a secret for over 20 years; the Ray Rice story moved me to speak my truth. When I was 26 years old, my ex-husband and I were driving through Greektown, a thriving restaurant...