"WE THE PEOPLE" - A Time For Love

In light of the heinous acts perpetrated against the good people of Charlottesville, Virginia and against the fundamental values of the United States, I feel compelled to share a story about rediscovering our humanity, from my book, DreamMakers, Innovating for the Greater Good: WE THE PEOPLE: "... The most disturbing condition may be that we have lost our sense of community; our inextricable natural connection to one another. I believe the false assumption that we can live isolated and insulated from one another and from the planet that sustains us – is the root of most of our problems today. I heard a Native American mythology that tells the story about a time when the survivors of the great flood came together and made a plan to renew civilization. They decided to separate into four groups and set out in four different directions to discover and rebuild the world. The goal was for each group to bring their rich discoveries back for the benefit of ...