I was so inspired by President Obama's speech that I wanted to share my last article in the Huffington Post. I hope you enjoy! We are at the dawn of a new era. A dear friend of mine put it beautifully when he said “the past has relinquished its hold on our future”. So what are we going to do now? What am I going to do? What are you going to do? The time for hopelessness and helplessness is over. The future depends on us – me, you, all of us working together to transform our civilization from the painful, unnatural, conflict-filled, destructive world it has been for centuries into the hopeful, inclusive, loving sustainable, flourishing civilization it can be. It is time for us to put our highest aspirations to work to co-create a brave new world. We are the pioneers, explorers, and the inventors of our time. Our journey is like no others before us for there are no blueprints, maps, or precedents for us to follow. There are no experts, no great leaders, no hero’s to save us – th...