
Showing posts from August, 2011

And The Good News Is...: And the Good News is, the World Has Ended, As We K...

And The Good News Is...: And the Good News is, the World Has Ended, As We K... : "Something deeply profound is happening. Everywhere I go around the world I see profound change and transformation. From the poorest among ..."

And the Good News is, the World Has Ended, As We Know It.

Something deeply profound is happening. Everywhere I go around the world I see profound change and transformation. From the poorest among us, to the richest we are changing. From the growing level of discontent something beautiful is emerging - a shift in consciousness is rippling across our world, awakening a sense of spirit and a growing desire to bring that spirit alive in our work, our institutions, our communities, and in our personal lives. It is a different kind of “revolution”.  It is organic, beautiful, and graceful. It is “people to people” in a flow of shifting values, from the superficial, to what really matters in life. It’s communities of people mobilized around common vision and values.  People are awakening to the realization that we are all accountable for our current condition and our behavior has to drastically change. These “people to people” connections, made possible by the explosion of social networking on the internet, have created a beautiful, heal...

And The Good News Is...: Letting Go of the Past, Co-Creating the New

And The Good News Is...: Letting Go of the Past, Co-Creating the New : "“The greatest barrier to individual (and collective) growth is a slavish devotion to precedence” Dr. Venice Bloodworth, Psychologist, ..."

Letting Go of the Past, Co-Creating the New

“The greatest barrier to individual (and collective) growth is a slavish devotion to precedence” Dr. Venice Bloodworth, Psychologist, author of The Key to Yourself It is hard to let go of the past even though it is obvious that our world is not working. We cling on to what we know rather than what we can create, even if what we know is harmful. We see this played out over and over again – people holding on to their version of the truth even if it destroys them, their loved ones and their communities. We have witnessed this scenario playing out in the “Debt Deal” fight in the US Congress. Democrats and Republicans were willing to putting an entire country at risk to be right. To create our future we need to learn from our past. In this era where every institution and most organizations and communities are struggling there are compelling reasons for change. We have the opportunity to examine what has worked, what needs to change, and what needs to be abandoned. Only the...