Something deeply profound is happening. Everywhere I go around the world I see profound change and transformation. From the poorest among us, to the richest we are changing. From the growing level of discontent something beautiful is emerging - a shift in consciousness is rippling across our world, awakening a sense of spirit and a growing desire to bring that spirit alive in our work, our institutions, our communities, and in our personal lives. It is a different kind of “revolution”. It is organic, beautiful, and graceful. It is “people to people” in a flow of shifting values, from the superficial, to what really matters in life. It’s communities of people mobilized around common vision and values. People are awakening to the realization that we are all accountable for our current condition and our behavior has to drastically change. These “people to people” connections, made possible by the explosion of social networking on the internet, have created a beautiful, heal...